Educational Programs
We offer services for infant, preschool, toddler, and school -aged programs specifically designed according to each age group’s unique needs and skills.
Infant Program
Our Baby Land is enjoyable and welcomes children ages six weeks to 12 months. We provide a safe, loving, and warm environment that supports each child’s needs. Our goal is to compliment your schedule and desires from your home into our campus. With a low caregiver-to-infant ratio, your baby will receive personalized attention. Here is what we offer:
- Infants are encouraged to look, listen, reach, grab, twist, pound, hold, and push.
- Baby signs are used regularly, along with verbal descriptions.
- We sing a variety of songs and read books to your little one.
- Each family has a personalized care plan for their child that ensures continuity of your home routine.
- Parents receive a daily written record of meals, naps, and diapering details.
- There are two quiet rooms for napping. Each child has their crib and receives fresh linens each day.
- We are continuously sanitizing toys, the eating area, and the diapering area.
- Our infant house is covered with murals and filled with toys and objects to stimulate all of your baby’s senses.
- We provide all wipes and finger snack foods.

Toddler Program
The toddler classrooms are specifically designed for toddlers between 12 months and two years of age. With two rooms to grow and develop in, our toddler program encourages self-discovery, independence, and confidence. Here’s what you can expect:
- Baby signs are continued, and one and two-step directions are developed.
- Parents receive a daily written record of meals, naps, and diapering details.
- Vocabulary grows, and expressions of needs and wants are encouraged.
- Learn how to drink from sippy cups and rely less on bottles and pacifiers.
- Be able to focus attention for 2 to 4 minutes.
- Continue mastering fine motor skills, such as holding a spoon, crayon, or paintbrush.
- Introduction of Zoo Phonics animals and sounds.
- Have a marked increase in gross motor skills such as walking a straight line, jumping, simple body movements, working with others, and alternating arms and legs.
- Circle Time, Story Time, Art, Music & Movement.
- Our peaceful classroom helps develop kindness, friendship, sharing, and more.
- Two nutritious snacks, and water are provided daily.
- Please provide your child with a healthy lunch.
Early Learners
Our early learner programs are for children aged 2 to 3 years old. In our preschool classrooms, your child will continue their learning and development daily. While they are growing and discovering themselves, we provide an enriching hands-on curriculum that encourages their individuality, personality, and the ability to work with their peers.
2 Year Olds
Enrichments include:
- Expansion of Zoo Phonics.
- Introduction to Learning Without Tears to enhance writing and reading skills.
- Parents receive daily records of meals, naps, and diapering details.
- Recognition of one’s name in writing.
- Art, Music, Social Studies, Emotional Development, and Movement.
- Continuation of fine and gross motor development.
- Furthering the ability to articulate in sentences and recognize name colors, shapes, weather, days of the week, and months of the year.
- Potty training assistance.
- Language skills develop to encourage your child to use words to describe their feelings rather than their body.
- Ability to follow one and two-step directions.
- Develop listening skills through repetition, books, storytime, puppet shows, etc.
- Peaceful classroom to help develop kindness, friendship, sharing, and more.
For all 3 and 4-year-olds, we have developed the Pre-Kindergarten program to prepare them for Jr. Kindergarten. We teach your child school scenarios and equip them with the confidence needed to succeed in these situations. With our program, your child can master all points of personal and academic development. As your child’s cognitive, social, and physical growth evolves, they will:
3 Year Olds
- Mastering shapes, colors, sizes, opposites, numerals 1-20, letters, and sounds with Zoo Phonics.
- Extending attention to detail through circle time, flannel board stories, multiple-step directions, and public speaking through share-time and school performances.
- Encouragement and tools to enable positive and rewarding self-image, creativity, and wholesome attitude.
- Music & movement to assist with rhythm, sequence, and auditory memory.
- Daily practice of name recognition and pre-handwriting skills to help develop keen hand-eye coordination.
- Playground activities continue balance and gross motor development.
- Cooking projects teach measuring and creating a product.
- Peaceful Classroom activities to help express feelings and ideas that provide confidence.
- Learning Without Tears to enhance writing and reading skills.
4 Year Olds
- Develop social, emotional, and personal development for positive self-worth and creativity.
- Master Zoo Phonics letters, sounds, and the recognition of sight words.
- Learn numerals 1-100 and addition & subtraction concepts through sorting and tangible objects.
- Participate in science activities that encourage awareness of the surrounding world.
- Harbor the curiosity to ask the Who?, Where?, What?, How?, When?, and Why? of life.
- Successfully interact, share, and cooperate with peers through free choice, directed play, and curriculum.
- Continue fine and gross motor development through daily activities that cater to each child’s individual needs, abilities, and potential.
- Learning Without Tears to enhance writing and reading skills.

Jr. Kindergarten (5 Year Olds)
Developmental Objectives For Kindergarten Readiness:
Cognitive Growth
- Develop a positive attitude towards learning by discovery and risk-taking, and learn how to be successful and complete tasks even after making mistakes.
- Enhance learning skills by exploring, investigating, and asking questions.
- Expand logical thinking skills through patterning, similarities and differences, sequencing, and identifying solutions.
- Enhance verbal communication skills in using words to explain ideas, feelings, and participate in group discussion.
- Learning Without Tears to enhance writing and reading skills.
- To acquire beginning written communication skills by recognizing and writing one’s name, create recognizable drawings, and write both upper and lower case letters of the alphabet.
Social/Emotional/Physical Growth
- Improve self-esteem by identifying one’s self and increasing independence.
- Demonstrate prosocial behavior through friendships, respect, assistance to others, and willingness to try new activities.
- Enhance large motor skills with balance, catching, and throwing.
- Refine small motor skills for self-help, writing control, and hand-eye coordination.
- Use all senses to increase physical capabilities.
Identifying differences in sound, respond to rhythm, and how things are visually alike.
School-Age Program (Ages 5-12)
For children ages 5 to 12 during the school year, we offer before and after school programs with activities and programs that your child can enjoy. We can provide transportation to and from surrounding schools. These programs are available throughout the school year, excluding holiday breaks and some days. In our environment that encourages and enables fun, your child can enjoy the following activities:
- During the school year, themed days throughout the week include appreciating the arts, cooking, reading, writing, team-building activities, science activities, and more.
- Organized indoor and outdoor group games enable children to depend on themselves and others while learning how to work together.
- Daily homework club.
- Field trips that coincide with curriculum and enrichment.
- Nutritious snacks in the morning and afternoon.
- We accommodate all FCUSD minimum days and holidays.
- LFU calendar can be viewed here
- Stimulating camps during school breaks that take the excitement to a higher level.
- Activities and age-appropriate curriculum for children in all grades.
- Separate camps during public school breaks are also available for sign up.
Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM